14 December, 2008

Snow Days!

Yeah! it snowed last night! I absolutely looove the snow! Here are some pics from my backyard! All the dogs and even mom's cat went out with me to play!


Jacquel said...

Love these pics of the snow! It's really pretty and I'll be glad when we get some!!

specialcraftmom4 said...

Oh, this makes me want to make a nice cup of tea (: It is going to ice here today ):

*Sally* said...

haha, I remember our cats in the UK liked walking and jumping around in it, until their paws got too cold of course!

Jennie said...

Can you send some of that my way??? Love the pics!

Joanne Travis said...

How beautiful!! We got a bit Saturday evening, just enough to make everything look clean and pure. I love to watch the pets out in that, they are so funny at first.

Anonymous said...

I hate the snow right now. It's -30 outside, all my car doors are frozen shut and the roads are icy. Want some of our snow?

Anonymous said...

Oh brilliant! Beautiful piccies making me feel cool (even though the air cons are going full bore trying to cool things down here!)